0 L2 0 P22 04 GGL89 000 L38 000 P3 05 Podest 01 01 DL1 02 ŚP 03 GL3 04 GGP3 Wzornik Bejc Buk BR 2019-A JPEG62 Wzornik Bejc Buk BR 2019-B JPEG41 sprzedajemy układ kreconych91


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Stairs model Berlin 02 S 110 cm
Hole in the ceiling-minimal: round 120 cm, square 120x120 cm, the height of the stairs 260.0-299,0 cm (landing flush with the upper floor), the height of the stairs 280,0-322,0 cm (landing below the upper floor), height solid step 20,0 / 23,0 cm, width of usable use 450 mm (between the column and the railing, stair operation: left or right

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Spiral stairs CORA model Berlin 02 110 cm - 13 elements (12 pcs. step+1 landing)

Stairs from a Polish manufacturer, prepared for self-assembly. This model is adapted to the opening in the ceiling with side or diameter of 120 cm. The elements are made of solid beech wood (color to choose) and white matte steel.

The stairs are prepared in a universal way, with the left and right ones, which allows the use of many assembly concepts within one model. Some of these ideas are presented by the manufacturer in additional materials. Depending on the shape of the hole in the ceiling, there is an option to order different shapes of platforms. A triangular landing has been designated for a round hole, and a triangular and trapezoidal for a square hole.

When purchasing stairs, it is necessary to give the preferred height calculated with the thickness of the ceiling, where the hole is located. In case when none of the available stair models does not match the customer's expectations, it is possible to make an unusual custom-made model - in this case, please contact the manufacturer.

Polish producer of spiral, winding and spiral stairs CORA
Available sizes of stairs are 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200 and more
Load carrying capacity: 180 kg load per one step.
Stair treatment: left-handed or clockwise looking from the first step

Technical parameters
Opening in the ceiling - minimal stairs with a diameter of 110 cm can be used for:
round hole 120 cm,
square hole 120x120 cm, rectangular hole (but shorter side larger than the diameter of stairs by 10 cm)
directly adjacent to the mezzanine,

Types of landing
To the hole:
- round:   120 cm - triangular landing,
- square: 120 x 120 cm - triangular, trapezoidal landing,
04. Podest trójkąt zaokrąglony jpg03. Podest trójkąt prosto jpg
02. Podest trapez jpg01. Podest kwadrat jpg

Model Berlin 02 S 110 cm
Technical description
number of elements: 13 pieces (12 pcs. steps + 1 landing)
storey height: 260.0 / 322.0 cm
Attention !!!
When buying stairs, specify the height (bottom floor / upper floor), because the step height is not adjustable (fixed). We will make stairs to size.
The landing can be used:
- at a height: from 260 cm to 299 cm - (13 elements) / landing flush with the upper floor,
- at height: from 280 cm to 322 cm - (13 elements / 14 levels) / landing below the upper floor,
step height: not adjustable (fixed) from 20,0 to 23,0 cm (made to measure)
thickness of the step: 40 mm
width of the step: usable 450 mm (between the column and the railing),
type of wood: solid beech
Wood finish (color): Illustrative image (on beech / Orzech br-287) or other colors from the wood color palette or matte paint acc. RAL
metal color: white matt (RAL 9003)
central column cover: metal
One-sided railing + on the landing
Balusters 22 mm
Recessed in stepa
After 4 pieces per steps

Handrail bent wood 50 mm
Wood posts: 60x60 cm

Non-standard stairs to be agreed
If you can not adjust the stairs according to the below schemes, we will make unusual stairs to measure.
We will make the project, the price of the stairs based on:
- views of the cross-section of the building with actual dimensions,
- or please create a sketch with real dimensions and send it to the e-mail address:
We will prepare a special offer and send to e-mail.
Contact: technical advice directly
In hours: 9.00 til 20.00 h. Tel. mobil: +47 939 89 186, e-mail:
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PL. Paleta kolorów drewna
NO. Paletten av farger tre
SE. Paletten av färger trä
GB.The palette of colors wood

10670 PKDrewna buk

10671 PKDrewna buk


PL. Konfiguracja układ schodów
NO. Konfigurasjon av systemer trapper
SE. Konfigurasjon av trappoppsett
GB. Configuration of stair layouts

00. Spiralne 121 13 ważny II NO

PL. Ulotka
NO. Pakningsvedlegget
SE. Bipacksedel
GB. Leaflet

03. Berlin 02 S cz. 01 bez www

03. Berlin 02 S cz. 02 bez www